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Meet Maria Mendez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Maria Mendez.

Hi Maria, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
Hey! I’m Maria im a ARTisan, i do magical jewelry. Now I’m the owner of Coco La Vie The Shop, a handmade jewelry and gifts online store.

I born in Caracas, Venezuela and over time I expanded my Headquarters to Florida, USA.

My purpose with the jewelry I make is to inspire you to make your own magic, to do what you love, to feel happy, loved and at peace. I do what I like and that is where the magic is born.

Coco La Vie is my small business and now is available worldwide through my online store and Instagram as @cocolavie.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Running a business has not been easy at all, discipline and creativity are two muscles that I must exercise every day and it is not easy at all, I always say it is easier to work for someone than to work for yourself, which requires STRENGTH.

I consider that my business is still very small; I am in a learning phase, finding my way.

\What has been smooth and has made my path incredible has been the support of my family, my friends, and my community on Instagram, who from day one buy and use my accessories, they keep my magic alive.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We’d love to learn more about your work. What do you do, what do you specialize in, what are you known for, etc. I’m an ARTisan, I make magical jewelry, jewelry that recharges you with positive energy and inspires those who wear them to always make their own magic.

I am proud of my path, of everything this small business has taught me, the people I have met, the events I have participated in, and especially the places I have reached. I know that in every corner of this world there is a magical piece of Coco La Vie, a little piece of me.

There is a phrase that I heard that says, everything is already done but it is not done by you, I think that is where we all differ, each one has its own magic, my pieces are 100% handmade by me, recharged with my magic and my power, which I share with all the people who buy my pieces.

Risk-taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Life is about risks, I think the biggest risk I have taken has been to leave my country and my family to seek a bright future here in the United States.

It was a big but powerful risk and today I am very happy to have taken that risk because it has made me who I am,
risks make you grow, always use intuition to help you know what risks to take.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Claudia Gomez @claudiagomezph

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