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Meet Lola Thomas of Clay County

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lola Thomas.

Hi Lola, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Well, I am originally from NYC. I was born and raised. I’ve always been a creative person; it kind of runs in my family. When I started to take it seriously, I started taking off in the beauty industry with hair, makeup, and nails. I attended Empire Beauty School in New York when my daughter was little. That was fun for a while, but doing hair wasn’t in the cards. Then I had the opportunity to attend the Christine Valmy International School for Esthetics, Skin Care, and Makeup. I took their nail specialty course, which was a lot of fun but wasn’t the right path for me either. After that, I struggled for years with depression and anxiety. I lost my way for a minute.

Then in 2015, I married into the Navy, and my wife and I, along with our children, moved to Southern California. It was the first time my daughter and I had moved out of NYC and away from our entire family. It was scary. It was a culture shock and an adjustment, but Cali was so good to us. While there, I attended the Michael Vincent Academy in DTLA for makeup artistry. That was an amazing experience, and I met so many talented people. I started my YouTube channel in 2016 and entered the beauty and fashion niche. I tried the Influencer thing, which was fun for a while, but I was still dealing with my depression, and the anxiety got worse. I had no direction then. Then I found meditation. That’s where I found some peace. It has become an essential part of my daily routine.

In 2018, it was time for my wife to PCS, and there were not a lot of choices then. I had gotten so used to living in LA, and I was not ready to move anywhere cold, and Jacksonville, FL, seemed like the best option. So here we are! It has been a tough adjustment for me, but I wouldn’t have chosen anything else on the list. I worked for Books-A-Million for a couple of years, but I craved more, something different. I started taking my content creation more seriously in 2022 and found the world of UGC (User-Generated Content), and I haven’t looked back. I feel like I have finally found my place. My Ikigai It has been a whirlwind of a journey, and I wouldn’t change anything! I love a good challenge because it pushes me out of my comfort zone and allows me to learn new things, develop my skills, and grow. Not to mention all the amazing creators and people from across the globe I’ve been so fortunate to connect with along the way. My family has been the source of my motivation, and I have no plans to quit anytime soon.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been fairly smooth?
Oh my goodness! Not! It has not been easy at all. Jacksonville has been the hardest on me because I am far away from my family and support system. I don’t have any family here, and I am very family oriented. Another challenge for me has been learning how to deal with imposter syndrome. I know so many people can relate to that. It’s like, some days, I am so in my head about everything. Constantly overthinking every little thing because I want things to be perfect. Then, there are those days when I look back at some of my work, and I’m like, “Oh honey, you are that girl!” Lol. Quite frankly, it’s insane, come to think of it. But I guess all brilliant minds possess a dash of crazy, huh? Also, finding local businesses and Airbnb to collaborate and work with has been a challenge. Oddly enough, though, I haven’t felt the desire to quit. That’s how I know I am where I am supposed to be. Patience is truly king.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Essentially, I create content called UGC or user-generated content. In other words, content is made by regular people rather than huge marketing companies or celebrities. I specialize in producing content for brands to post to their social media, website or to run as paid ads. It’s like influencing without the obligation of posting to your page and the pressure of having a huge following. I help brands grow their online communities and establish a genuine connection with their target audiences.

I’ve always wanted to travel more, especially overseas, which allows me to combine my passion for exploring new destinations with my skills as a content creator. I’ve recently pivoted into the travel niche as a nano influencer, which is exciting and a new challenge. Being able to immerse myself into different cultures, lifestyles, and experiences and share that with my people is the most amazing feeling. It just can’t be put into words.

I am probably known most for being able to connect with just about anyone, truthfully. I have been this way since I was a little girl. That’s why content creation and influencing have come so naturally to me. I am a people person to my core. I love meeting and connecting with new people.

I’m most proud of my ability to constantly reinvent myself, overcome obstacles and make others feel seen or heard. Ultimately, that’s what sets me apart from others too. Building a community around me is my superpower. My relationship with my audience and my content’s impact on them is important to me. What I put out into the world is authentically and unapologetically me. That is key when creating UGC. People trust those they find relatable and honest. I always keep that in mind whenever I am making it.

Do you have any advice for those just starting?

  • My advice for starting is, “Make sure this is something you are passionate about!” This is not easy, and it’s only for some. Practice as much as you can. Practice speaking in front of a camera. It’s weird, and you will feel awkward.
  • Be creative and work with what you’ve got! So many people think you need to go out and purchase many products and equipment. Do not break your pockets trying to follow behind others. You do not need it to start. Use products you already have at home and genuinely love creating your content with. Authenticity is key here.
  • If you don’t have a tripod, stack some books. You can always upgrade as you get further into your journey. Lighting is essential, and natural light is your best bet.
  • Do your research! Research trends, key UGC, and marketing terms and study them. Research the brands you want to work with and ensure you follow and engage with them. Remember to learn about your business’s legal and financial parts. These are the business’s least talked about but the most important part. Always read through your contracts thoroughly to ensure your safety.
  • Start building your portfolio as soon as possible and put your starting rates there. Do not charge anything less than $150 for a single UGC video or sponsored post. Also, make sure your work is of quality. Know your worth; you’re doing the job of at least seven different departments. It can get overwhelming sometimes, and you do not need to be told by someone else what you are worth.
  • Learn the art of pitching and negotiating because you do not want to leave any money on the table and get as many “yes” as possible. Yes, it does happen, so be wise!
  • Branding is everything, so make sure you are simultaneously building your brand and growing your social media because it will attract more brands and save you time pitching to brands.
  • Always watermark your content when sending it over for approval to minimize the chances of a brand stealing it and not compensating you for it.
  • Last but certainly not least, understand the importance of a work-life balance because burnout is very much real and can cause a person to quit, and we are not doing that. Ok!

That’s helpful enough to get started!

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