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Exploring Life & Business with Jessica Seoane of Surprise Stories

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jessica Seoane.

Jessica Seoane

Hi Jessica, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, you could tell our readers some of your backstory.
My journey into creating a nighttime storytelling game for children came from a place where the challenges and beauty of bedtime meet. After a particularly challenging couple of nights with my husband out of town and my children fighting over which bedtime stories they wanted to hear, I was inspired to find a fun and effective way to transition from day to night without a fight. During this timeframe, I attempted to settle the great ‘What story should I tell’ nightly debate between my two children. I always tell them that we are problem-solvers. The solution I found to this particular problem was for my son to choose a character, for my daughter to choose a setting, and for me to craft a story based on the shared input from both kids. At that moment, it clicked. Everything instantly fell into place. People often say, ‘When you know, you know,’ and I knew. I knew this idea was a game-changer: a nighttime storytelling game designed with bedtime in mind. 3 decks of cards: Star, Setting, and Storyline. Players draw one card from each deck and then tell a story based on this 3-card selection. With 40 cards in each deck, there would be 64,000 possible combinations. You will never tell the same story twice! About six months before this night, driven by my love for writing, a dream of creating children’s books, and the desire to do something for myself, I started taking creative writing classes from local universities. Now, back to the moment of my epiphany. When my husband returned from his trip, I could not wait to share my idea. I will never forget sitting at the kitchen table, excited as he walked through the door. “I have the idea. This is it,” I started. “It is not a children’s book; it’s 64,000.”

Alright, let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what challenges have you had to overcome?
Chasing a dream is always an adventure. While it has been exhilarating and fulfilling, it has been challenging. They don’t call it a chase for nothing. A chase is no walk in the park but a true pursuit. There has always been an air of vulnerability when it comes to my writing. While I possessed a lifelong love for it, I had never before been brave enough to commit to chasing a career in the arts. The developmental journey for “Surprise Stories” was a long one. It started with fear. The fear of failure. The fear of imperfection. I fear I may mess up my one chance to pursue my passion. But there was a greater fear at play that outweighed the rest. It motivated me to bring this magical product to life: the fear of regret. The idea of looking back on a life without pursuing this dream propelled me forward—one step forward, two steps back. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, I grappled with ‘analysis paralysis’ and was constantly overwhelmed by decisions. I wanted “Surprise Stories” to make life magical for families, near and far. Every night presented an opportunity to make magical moments that could be remembered forever, and I was determined to help families create those memories. I needed the game to be perfect. One sentence from someone very close to me helped to change my mindset. It became my mantra. ‘Done is beautiful,’ she said. I wrote this down and taped it to my mirror. It was a daily reminder to believe in myself, be confident in my creation, embrace imperfection, and give myself grace. Overcoming these challenges has contributed to my business’s growth and my personal development. Chasing a dream is always an adventure worth taking. After all, why not?

Thanks for sharing that. Can you tell us more about your business next?
“Surprise Stories” is a mother-curated, child-inspired company committed to making bedtime magical. Our team believes in storytelling’s power, imagination’s importance, and the benefits of quality connection. As a dedicated mom, I intimately understand bedtime’s challenges and beauty and the importance of family connections. We aim to inspire imagination, empower young minds, and encourage dreamers. “Surprise Stories” creates a tech-free environment where families can leave the world behind and bond over bedtime adventures. Every night presents an opportunity to make magical moments that will be remembered forever—power off the screens and power on your imagination to experience the enchanting world of wonder that awaits. How to play? The game includes 120 beautifully illustrated cards, complemented by 4 lines of captivating poetry, divided into three decks:

🌟 40 Stars: Featuring unique characters and creatures.
📍 40 Settings: Depicting imaginative and exciting locations.
📖 40 Storylines: Providing intriguing scenarios and plot prompts.
💡 And 3 information cards with prompting questions to help inspire imagination.

Players draw one card from each deck and then tell a story based on this 3-card selection. With 64,000 possible combinations, you will never tell the same story twice! The elaborate illustrations and expressive poetry will immerse you in the story and spark your creative spirit. “Surprise Stories” puts a unique spin on the timeless storytelling tradition. The game inspires imagination, cultivates creativity, and creates cherished family moments of wonder and excitement.

We love “Surprise Stories” for many reasons. It is unique and innovative, offering a fresh and creative approach to storytelling. Imagination does not have an age limitation. The game provides family fun for all Ages. With many age-friendly ways to play, “Surprise Stories” is age-adaptable. It is designed to grow and evolve with your family, offering benefits for all ages. “Surprise Stories” also seamlessly blends learning with fun. It fosters creativity, language and communication skills, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and beyond. Narrative skills are strong predictors of academic success. The game is educational and fun, all in one.

Most importantly, it enhances family connections. In a busy world filled with screens, “Surprise Stories” promotes meaningful, tech-free interactions among family members. We believe in the power of storytelling, the importance of imagination, and the benefits of connection. While it was designed with bedtime in mind, the social-emotional benefits of bonding go far beyond bedtime.

We are committed to sharing the magic of storytelling and the power of imagination with families everywhere. “Surprise Stories” is more than a game: it is an interactive experience that transports players of all ages to a world of creativity, imagination, and connection. It is designed to make bedtime magical and encourage tech-free family bonding. Whether working full-time, part-time, working from home, or being a caregiver who stays at home, the magic of bedtime is universal. My dream is for “Surprise Stories” to help families embrace the ‘Bedtime Bubble.’ This is a place of connection that one creates with family where they can leave the world behind and bond over bedtime adventures. It is a World of Wonder and Whimsy where imagination is inspired, young minds are empowered, and dreamers are encouraged. It is a storytelling sanctuary where families unite to create cherished moments and magical memories that will last a lifetime. Adventure is calling.

If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Growing up, I was always a creative child. Imagination was my superpower, and storytelling was at the core of my identity. Even before I could read and write, I was dictating stories to my mom, who would patiently transcribe my adventurous tales. My love for literature and storytelling evolved into a deep passion for writing. Writing was my favorite form of self-expression. It still is. In the early days, it took the form of crafting screenplays for my younger siblings and storytelling at bedtime (and all the time) with my mom. Writing remains constant, whether it is a thoughtful, emotional letter to a loved one, a personal journal entry, a wedding speech, or a bedtime story for my kids. As a child, the storytelling tradition in our home was magical and shaped who I am today. I can vividly recall my mom telling me the same story, night after night, by popular demand, about the Pink Princess who lived in a world where everything was pink. She continues this bedtime tradition with my children her grandchildren, to this day. These cherished childhood moments showed me the importance of storytelling and the magic of connection. Those memories with my mom influenced how I wanted bedtime to look with my family. Storytelling is in our DNA, and it is a beautiful thing to be able to witness the evolution of imagination and creativity in the next generation: my children. Now that my journey has led me to the creation of “Surprise Stories,” I hope that all families can embrace the power of storytelling and experience the magic of bedtime. I aim to inspire imagination, create connections, and make bedtime (and life) magical.


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